Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas 2011

Not my favorite Christmas ever.  Tim and I did get to enjoy dinner with Christy, Mom, Marsha, Jeff and Jim on Christmas Eve.  It was delicious and helped with my woes for a minute.  Christmas day I slept until about 1130ish because I worked all night.  Went to mom's for dinner at 1:00 but called into work.  I worked 3-9:30.  One of my worst shifts thus far.  Busy, chaotic, stressful and frustrating.  I do not like feeling like my head's spinning and being so overwhelmed I can't organize my thoughts to accomplish simple tasks.  I seriously felt like I was pulled in so many directions.  Searching for supplies that should have been readily accessible was infuriating.  I generally have a happy go lucky disposition at work but I could not fake it yesterday.  Really glad it's over.  Not a Merry Christmas  : (

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Oh Me Oh My

I've been really anxious recently and can't quite figure why.  I was so excited Friday to watch Evan take his first step while on LiveMessenger.  Tonight when I got home from seeing The 5 Browns with mom and Christy I got to see Evan clapping at the BYU game.  I was so tickled at how cute he looked and he was even yelling like he was trying cheer the team on.   I had to wake Grandpa up to see the video, haha.
Then the anxiety hit again.  Geez I hate this feeling.  Anyway, maybe I'm just tired.  I have to work in the morning at 7 so off to bed I go.  Hope for a calmer me in the am.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


I hate this part of parenting!  .........raising your children to be responsible self sufficient adults so they can move far away and survive without me! 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

I'm so greatful today for my two children.  My life was forever changed by them and is forever blessed because of them.  I wouldn't trade that part of my life for anything.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Our Grandson

We are excited about the new addition to our family!!! Evan Michael Franjesevic arrived March 30 2011, he was 7lb 4oz and 18 1/2 inches long.  He has lots of hair and is a vey mellow baby.  I get to go back to Utah in May to spoil him while his mommy works and daddy studies hard.  I'm taking his Great-grandma Whaley with me to meet him.  I just can hardly wait! : )

Thursday, March 17, 2011


We're so excited that the big day will soon be here.  With each blog picture we see of our little girl we realize it can't possibly be much longer, haha.  I have very mixed emotions, not about being a grandparent but about being so far away.  This is not new but certainly magnified because of our Owen.  Hopefully, if not this weekend, Wednesday we'll get to create a new photo album!  March 23rd is a very good day to be born.  Just ask me.